Credits: Catherine Lawlor (Granddaughter of James & Mary) for the photo, information on James and Mary's family and James death cert.
James was born February 14th 1874, his father was Peter Connor.
James enlisted in the British army August 5th 1891, where he served in the Royal Irish regiment until 1903. He fought in India and in south Africa during the Boer War.
James married Sarah Davis on November 6th 1899 in the church of St. Nicholas in Liverpool, England. Their address at the time of marriage was 30 Dublin street, Liverpool. James Occupation is listed as Labourer.
Sarah appears in the 1901 census living in Everton, Liverpool along with son James. By 1904 James and Sarah have moved to Cork, Ireland where John Frederick & Ptarick were born.
By 1908 James and Sarah have moved to Sarah's hometown of Swords and appear on the 1911 census living at No 6 Hollow Lane, Swords, Co Dublin. Hollow Lane no longer exists but it is mentioned here: A History Of Swords Co. Dublin - The Side Streets.
Sarah died November 8th 1913, She was 35. After Sarah's death the cildren were made wards of the state and were placed in the Balrothery poor law uniuon workhouse. Laurence (5) and Peter (0) died in the institution. There was an inquest held into Sarah's death which occurred shortly after giving birth to Peter, here are some newspaper clippings of reports from the inquest. Report 1. Report 2.
James remarried, to Mary Kenny on September 10th 1918, his occupation is listed as soldier. My understanding is he fought in world war 1. James had more children with Mary, they were George, Richard (Dickie), Ursula, Helen (Nellie) and Mary Theresa (Teasie). They Lived at No.3 Mountgorry Road, Malahide Road, Swords, Co. Dublin.
James died in January 13th 1939. Mary died in 1970.
Credits: Catherine Lawlor (Granddaughter of James & Mary) for the photo, information on James and Mary's family and James death cert.