Thomas was born June 14th 1882. In the 1901 census he is living at house 3 in The Hollow (Swords, Dublin)
He married Bridget Duff on 14 November 1904. They had six children John 1905 (Swords), Thomas 1908 (Strabane), Edmund 1913 - 1918 (Dublin), Mary 1914 (Dublin), Patrick 1917 (Dublin) and Kevin 1922-1922.
In the 1911 census Thomas, Bridget, John & Thomas were living at house 25.2 in Portland Row (Mountjoy, Dublin)
Bridget passed away on 9 May 1951 at the age of 72. Thomas died on 7 July 1959 in Harrington Street, Dublin, at the age of 77.